My Articles
Fat-Burning Exercises
3 Fat-Burning Exercises for Fat People Find the best fat-burning exercises for you. If you’re readin…
Heel strike
What is Heel Strike? For those familiar with running terms, heel strike is when your heel is the fir…
Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome
What is Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome? If you’ve been running for even ten minutes and have throbbin…
CoQ10 Foods
Top 4 CoQ10 Foods to Try CoQ10 foods are an important part of your everyday diet. Why? Ever heard ab…
HIIT Run Workout
Simple HIIT Run Workout for Overweight Beginners Running can be a tough sport to get into if you’re …
eating before running
What you should be eating before running Figuring out what you should be eating before running can b…
Starting to jog? Follow these 3 tips
Starting to jog? Follow these 3 tips For most new chubby runners, starting to jog is both exciting a…
Try running at night to beat the summer heat
Try running at night to beat the summer heat During the sweaty summer months, running at night is a …
Why running uphill makes you a better runner
Why running uphill makes you a better runner Most runners don’t like running uphill. Dep…
Weight Management Overweight Runners
Why Managing Weight is Important for Overweight Runners As an overweight or chubby runner, you’ve pr…
10 deep breathing benefits for chubby people
10 Deep Breathing Benefits for Chubby People One way to improve your mental and physical health is t…
What is the recommended intake of sugar for fat runners?
What is the recommended intake of sugar for fat runners? I love sugar. Skittles, Charleston Chew’s, …
What is the correct running form?
What is the correct running form? Have you ever watched a real runner and their seemingly effortless…
5 healthy lifestyle tips for chubby people
5 healthy lifestyle tips for chubby people Healthy lifestyle tips are important to many. Especially …
Top 10 calorie-burning foods
Top 10 Calorie-Burning Foods It goes without saying that running burns calories. Any physical activi…
What is the run-walk method all about?
What is the Run-Walk Method All About? The run-walk method is exactly what it sounds like. It’s a mi…
How to start running after a long break
How to Start Running After a Long Break Been out of the running game for a while? Not to worry, we c…
Why do your shins hurt after running
Why Do Your Shins Hurt After Running? Shin splints are one of the most common running injuries for r…
Is creatine use recommended for runners?
Is Creatine Use Recommended for Runners? You’ve seen it at the supplement store. You may have heard …
Why morning jogging is good for overweight people
Why morning jogging is good for overweight people Morning jogging may just be what you need to fight…
Simple running program for beginners
Simple running program for beginners Getting started running doesn’t have to be difficult. The very …
Easy HIIT Treadmill Workout for Runners
Easy HIIT Treadmill Workout for Runners So first things first, what is HIIT? More specifically,…
Running in ketosis
Running in ketosis Chubby runners may be convinced that carbohydrates are needed to fuel their long-…
5 marathon benefits for chubby people
5 marathon benefits for chubby people For chubby people, even the thought of running a marathon is c…
The definitive Covid-19 running guide
The definitive Covid-19 running guide Learn tips and tricks to help get outside and run to overcome …
Why compression is important for overweight runners
Why compression is important for overweight runners Those funny compression socks you see may actual…
Treadmill interval training for overweight runners
Treadmill interval training for overweight runners Running indoors on a treadmill can sometimes be a…
What is intermittent fasting?
What is intermittent fasting? The diet world is notorious for trends and fads. The latest sensation …
Beginner running plan for chubby runners
Beginner running plan for chubby runners The secret to a great beginner running plan is starting sma…
Top 5 marathons to run in the US
Top 5 marathons to run in the US There are so many marathons every year in the United States. It can…
Overweight runners guide to caffeine
Overweight runners guide to caffeine Waking up in the morning to complete a training run can be the …
The 3 worst things to do before a run
The 3 worst things to do before a run Some of these may be beginner mistakes, but we all could use a…
3 tips to nail your morning run
3 tips to nail your morning run Learn to start your day off on the right foot with these tips to max…
How to stop walking and start running
How to stop walking and start running In a previous post, we discussed the benefits of walking as pa…
5 tips for new runners
5 tips for new runners As a new runner, you may feel that you just can’t get into running. It …
What is an electrolyte?
Ever wonder what an electrolyte is? In this article we will dive in to the details and uncover what …
Top 3 myths about running in the winter
Top 3 myths about running in the winter In February of this year in the quaint little town of Punxsu…
5 tips for getting back into running
Been away from running for a while? Getting back into running after a hiatus is sometimes tough, but…
Top 5 fat burning foods for runners
Learn about the top 5 foods that help runners burn fat.
How to pick the right half marathon training plan
Learn the criteria for how to pick the right training plan for you.
5 reasons to run a half marathon this year
Looking for a reason to run this year. In this post you will learn 5 reasons to run a half marathon …
Should I make sprinting part of my marathon training?
A marathon is a long distance race, should you incorporate sprinting into your training?
Am I too old to run a marathon?
Am I too old to run a marathon? Tell me if this sounds familiar. You are doing something physical in…
Best supplements for runners
Best supplements for runners As a runner training for a half marathon, there are supplements that ca…
4 steps to cut belly fat
4 steps to cut belly fat Belly Fat is one of those things that everyone wants to lose. But many don&…
Healthy eating tips
Healthy eating tips A running lifestyle is a healthy lifestyle. It involves many different food choi…
Should I run a half marathon race?
Should I run a half marathon race? So you’ve decided to run a half marathon race? Congratulati…
A fast way to lose weight
A fast way to lose weight The problem with dieting is that it takes way too long to see results. Thi…
What are the benefits of running?
What are the benefits of running? You probably know that running is a great way to get into shape, b…
4 reasons your running is not improving
4 reasons your running is not improving You’ve been out running and you feel like you just are…
Preventing knee injury
Preventing knee injury If you’ve run, walked, or jogged ever in your life, then you know knee pain. …
How chubby runners can lose weight fast
How chubby runners can lose weight fast So, you’re trying to fit into that new dress or get th…
Should I run a marathon?
Should I run a marathon? When people think about running long distance the question is usually, can …
Is a no-carb diet good for runners?
Is a no-carb diet good for runners? Dieting while running can help with weight loss if done correctl…
3 supplements for chubby runners
3 supplements for chubby runners Training for a marathon is a test of endurance. So, if you’r…
Shin splints
Shin splints If you’ve ever run before, you’ve probably experienced shin splints. What a…
Is speed work good for half marathon training?
Is speed work good for half marathon training? Many runners use speed work in their training routine…
How to lose fat
How to lose fat It seems like the term “How to lose fat” is Googled like a million times…
Is there a proper running form?
Is there a proper running form? There is a lot of buzz out there about proper running form. Th…
Breaking down sugar consumption
Breaking down sugar consumption Here’s a scenario that you’re probably familiar with. It…
4 benefits of breathing
4 benefits of breathing Breathing is one of those things you don’t really think about — until …
Should I try night running?
Should I try night running? Night running can be a good change of pace to break up your training sch…
6 ways to squeeze in a training run
6 ways to squeeze in a training run There is a commodity that none of us ever have enough of, time. …
5 strategies to beat food cravings
5 strategies to beat food cravings No matter your level of craziness in the pursuit of healthy eatin…
Weight management for chubby runners
Weight management for chubby runners Most runners share similar goals of increasing overall fitness …
Chubby Runner Quote
Don’t WAIT until you are ready to DIE to decide to LIVE. Dieter F. Uchtdorf Share on FacebookT…
5 tips to conquer running hills
5 tips to conquer running hills In your marathon training, you are bound to meet some hills, both ph…
3 ways to up your running game
3 ways to up your running game The ability to reach your full runner potential is all about trial an…
4 steps to a calorie deficit
4 steps to a calorie deficit It’s the beginning of the year so you and everybody you know are …
Chubby Runner Quote – Blaze a Trail
Chubby Runner Quote – Blaze a Trail Do not follow where the path may lead. Go, instead, where …
10 steps to lose 25 pounds
10 steps to lose 25 pounds Raise your hand if you want to lose 25 pounds? Sure, everyone does. It is…
Nipple chaffing guide
Nipple chaffing guide Chaffing is a sensitive topic. It’s difficult for people to talk openly …
10 reasons for starting to run
10 reasons for starting to run Improving your life overall is one of the many benefits of starting t…
How to get back into running
How to get back into running Tell me if this has happened to you. Something comes up, so you canR…
How to Stop Profuse Sweating
How to stop profuse sweating Here’s a question you may be asking. Why can’t I stop sweat…
How to run in the cold
How to run in the cold When in training you will have to learn to love to run in the cold. Well, may…
What to know about moisture wicking shirts
What to know about moisture wicking shirts So what are moisture-wicking shirts anyway? We’ve a…
What to wear running
What to wear running Finding what to wear running is something that most people don’t put…
Jogging with Anchorman Ron Burgandy
Jogging with Anchorman Ron Burgandy A hilarious clip from the movie Anchorman about jogging. Jogging…
The best running shoes for you
The best running shoes for you Some say that the quest for the best running shoes is a lot like buyi…
Begin a running program
Begin a running program Ready to start a running program? What is your fitness level? Maybe you do. …
Overcome marathon training hurdles
Overcome marathon training hurdles How is marathon training like driving? Have you ever tried to dri…
Start running chubby people!
Start running chubby people! We are working on a program to get you in the right mindset and physica…
Marathon mindset
Marathon Mindset As stated in a previous post, marathon training is absolutely terrible. This is tru…
Thinking about training for a marathon?
Thinking about training for a marathon? So here’s a question for you, how do you get started t…