About the Chubby Runner
A site dedicated to helping beginners and overweight people train for a marathon and find joy in running.

Just a chubby guy
I’m just a regular chubby guy. I am not a runner, although I do run. Let me just get that out there. It’s kinda like the guy who says I’m not a golfer, but continues to golf. What that really means is that he sucks at golf but still likes to play.
I’m not the stereotypical runner type. Obviously.
I want to help other chubby people run a marathon
I am not genetically predisposed to long lean legs and a svelte body capable of perfect floating strides. When I run I look more like an albatross, flopping around, wheezing, sweating profusely, and breathing heavily. I painted that beautiful visual to illustrate that I’m just an average chubby guy who has run marathons.
I want to help others who don’t fit the mold or have struggled in athletic pursuits. I was that guy, I am that guy.

It all started with a bucket list
This whole crazy marathon idea began as a bucket list item, nestled between jumping out of a plane and visiting every Major League Ballpark.
42. Run a major marathon, like New York or Chicago
Chubby Runner Insights
The sole purpose of this site is to help you get from wherever you are, across the marathon finish line. There were both mental and physical hurdles that I had to learn how to overcome. But those things just added to my experience and made me stronger. I never ran long distances when I started training for my first marathon.

Let’s Do This Together
I’m just an average chubby guy with some running mileage under his belt. Hopefully, some of the stuff I’ve learned through my training can help you pursue your goals. I can help you reach the goal of running a marathon. No matter what you’re starting point is, there are tips and insights that can help you. Keep reading and happy running.