Top 5 fat burning foods for runners
Learn about the top 5 foods that help runners burn fat.
Learn the criteria for how to pick the right training plan for you.
How to pick the right half marathon training plan Read More »
Looking for a reason to run this year. In this post you will learn 5 reasons to run a half marathon this year.
4 reasons your running is not improving You’ve been out running and you feel like you just aren’t making progress. You may feel sluggish, irritable, and just plain crabby. Believe me, I get it. I’ve been there. I have good days and bad. Sometimes we just get in a rut and our running is not
Weight management for chubby runners Most runners share similar goals of increasing overall fitness level and becoming a better runner. I am not like most runners. I’m built differently and I like to eat pizza and cannoli more than the average guy. My goal is usually to lose weight. There’s nothing wrong with any of
5 tips to conquer running hills In your marathon training, you are bound to meet some hills, both physical and mental. In this post, we’ll address the topic of running hills and how to conquer them. Unless you’re a crazy person, running up and down hills can be excruciatingly painful. Some people look forward to
4 steps to a calorie deficit It’s the beginning of the year so you and everybody you know are holding fast to some wonder diet as part of their new year’s resolutions. Despite what you read on social media, dieting websites, and infomercials, dropping pounds is not an easy endeavor. Running is one of the best
How to stop profuse sweating Here’s a question you may be asking. Why can’t I stop sweating? This is a great question and one I can speak to personally. I am a sweater. I don’t perspire or glisten, I freaking drip sweat and it doesn’t stop even after stop running. It doesn’t matter if it’s
What to wear running Finding what to wear running is something that most people don’t put a lot of thought into. I had no idea. Sweatpants or cargo shorts? Mankini* or poncho? Maybe a Sombrero? Through the process of trial and error, I found the proper clothing to train for a marathon. Of course, it’s different